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Together we make a difference for the community. Hack for the community


There are other crime applications available, but Crime Checker shows actual police call logs so users can see where potential crimes are being reported in their neighborhood. 0ur MVP was to display an interactive map of potential crimes reported this year with search and filter functionality and provide easy access to contact information for their local police precinct.
ReactJS, Mobile First, Google API, Reactstrap, StyleGuidist
March 18, 2018 | March 24, 2018
My Contribution
Design and Develop
Crime Checker
Lead instructor, Brenda Long, was inspired by the recent Hack For The Community event to create a project for students to design, build, and pitch a product using Nashville’s Open Data.
She shared, “Not only does cohort 24 focus on front-end technologies, but also soft skills related to UI and UX - research, product design/ideas, communication, storytelling, prototyping, and presentation skills. Thus came Perfect Pitch.
Teams collaborated on initial ideas, developed prototypes, and presented products to the class. The class chose three to develop into working apps.”
With a week to build an app and perfect their pitch, their objectives for this project included:
  • Work as a team
  • Access real data
  • Build an app that is relevant and helpful to the Nashville community
  • Develop the app with React (component based)
  • Define style guide requirements
  • The app should be user-focused
  • Test prototypes with users
  • Practice presentation techniques
  • The panel was given several criteria to judge and a point system. The process gave students an opportunity to hear real feedback from members of the community that champion Nashville’s open data.

    Initial Concept

    Challenge Statement
    "How might... Present the information from the Nashville Police Call Logs API in a way that helps Nashville residents stay more informed and up to date on potential crimes happening in their area?
    Based on my previous experience I have observed my nieces’ and nephew struggling to keep track of their personal books and borrowed books

  • Parents concerned for the safety of their family.
  • Tourists looking for places to stay during their visit.
  • People looking a place live (Real estate).
  • People that are single, live alone.
  • People that active in the neighborhood what.
  • Interview Findings

    They need to have private reading time
    Sign up morethan one user
    Sign up morethan one user
    Schedule accourding to thier favorite
    Group reading
    Vanilia js , bootstrap, grunt, npm , jquery, sass, Firebase
    Ebook Reade


    -Neighborhood Watch Dad Primary User
    A husband and father who is interested in staying informed on crime in the area in order to protect his family from any possible dangers.

    -Single Woman Secondary User
    Not overly concerned with crime but does want to know if her immediate areas of home and work are safe or if there is any incidents she should be aware of.


    From the above user research data collections and our defined required features, we created our sketches for the low-fidelity prototype. In this stage’s sketches, we mainly focused on the homepage, the search result page, the course detail page, and the user profile page. Sketches helped us to express and exchange ideas between group members and formed the design of our website.


    High-fidelity Prototype
    From the above user research data collections and our defined required features, we created our sketches for the low-fidelity prototype. In this stage’s sketches, we mainly focused on the homepage, the search result page, the course detail page, and the user profile page. Sketches helped us to express and exchange ideas between group members and formed the design of our website.

    Required Features

  • Interactive Map View
  • List View
  • Search/ Filter
  • Additional Info
  • Usability Testing

    From the above user research data collections and our defined required features, we created our sketches for the low-fidelity prototype. In this stage’s sketches, we mainly focused on the homepage, the search result page, the course detail page, and the user profile page. Sketches helped us to express and exchange ideas between group members and formed the design of our website.

    Lesson Learned

    Going through the whole process, the lesson I learned from this project is:-
  • Plan out code plan thoroughly before coding
  • Plan all components and determine which will have state
  • Put state in the topmost component that will need it.
  • Communicate what you are working on. Constantly.